- 19th Century Caribbean Cholera TimeMap (website) John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute
- AfricaMap (website), Center for Geographic Analysis at Harvard University
- American Panorama: An Atlas of United States History (website); Digital Scholarship Lab, University of Richmond
- Animated Atlas of African History, 1879-2002 (website) by Nancy Jacobs and Rolando Penate, Brown University
- A Place in History: A Guide to Using GIS in Historical Research (website) on-line book by Ian Gregory
- The Archaeology of Greater London Online Map (website): MOLA
- Atlas of Alberta Railways (website) University of Alberta Press
- Atlas Cartografia Historica (website) by Luís Nuno Espinha da Silveira
- The Atlas of Early Printing (website), University of Iowa
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries (website); The Newberry Library, Dr. William M. Scholl Center for American History and Culture
- Atlas of Literary Landscapes of Portugal (website); Interdisciplinary Project: LITESCAPE.PT
- Atlas of Sources and Materials for History of Old Poland (website); Historical Geinformation Laboratory, KUL
- Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States (website); University of Richmond
- Batanes Islands Cultural Atlas (website) Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative
- Before the Mactaquac Headpond (website) by Larissa Holman
- Berlin Besetzt: Illustrierte Karte zu Hausbesetzungen in Berlin (website)
- Beyond Steel: An Archive of Lehigh Valley Industry and Culture (website)Lehigh University Digital Library
- Bomb Sight: Mapping the WW2 Bomb Census (website) University of Portsmouth, The National Archives and JISC
- British Geological Survey Maps Portal (website) British Geological Survey
- Charles Booth Online Archive (website) London School of Economics and Political Science
- China Dimensions (website) NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center, Center for International Earth Science Information Network at Columbia University
- China Historical GIS (website) at Harvard University
- Chinese Civilization in Time and Space (website) Academia Sinica
- The City’s Currents: A History of Water in 20th-Century Bogotá (website)by Stefania Gallini, et.al.
- Cleveland Historical (website) Cleveland State University Center for Public History and Digital Humanities
- Cleveland Historic Maps (website) ESRI
- Climate and Change: Making Sense of the Dustbowl Years on the Canadian Prairies (website) by George Colpitts, Bill Waiser, and Shannon Stunden Bower.
- Colonial Despatches: The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871 (website) Humanities Computing and Media Centre, University of Victoria
- Constructing Furniture City (website) by Brian Sarnacki
- A Cutting-Edge Second Look at the Battle of Gettysburg (website) by Anne Kelly Knowles, et.al.
- David Rumsey Map Collection (website) by Cartography Associates
- The Decolonial Atlas (website)
- Dictionary of Sydney (website) City of Sydney and Other Partners
- Digital Atlas of American Religion (website) The Polis Center at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
- Digital Atlas of Ancient and Medieval Civilizations (website) Harvard University
- Digital Atlas of Indonesian History (website) by Robert Cribb
- Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire (website) Johan Åhlfeldt, Lund University
- Digital Atlas on the History of Europe since 1500 (website) Andreas Kunz, et. al.
- Digital Augustan Rome (website) by David Gilman Romano
- The Digital Gazetteer of the Song Dynasty (website) University of California, Merced
- Digital Harlem: Everyday Life 1915-1930 (website) University of Sydney.
- Digital HOLC Maps (website) by Brian Lehrer Show
- The Disappearing West (website) Center for American Progress and Conservation Science Partners.
- Documenting Cappadocia (website) by A.I. McMichael
- Don River Valley Historical Mapping Project (website) by Jennifer Bonnell & Marcel Fortin, A member project of NiCHE in partnership with the University of Toronto Libraries
- The Down Survey of Ireland (website) Irish Research Council; Trinity College Dublin
- Driving Through Time: The Digital Blue Ridge Parkway (website) The University Library, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
- The Falmouth Project: Architecture and History (website) by Louis P. Nelson
- The Fish Revolution 1400-1700 (website) by Poul Holm
- Five Boroughs: Buidling Age NYC (website) bdon.org
- The French Book Trade in Enlightenment Europe, 1769-1794: Mapping the Trade of the Societe Typographique de Neuchatel (website) University of Leeds
- A Genetic Atlas of Human Admixture History (website) by G. Hellenthal, et.al.
- Geo Cart (website) American Society for Environmental History
- Geodia (website) University of Texas Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services
- Geographically-Integrated History: GIS for Historians and Historical Social Scientists (website) J.B. Owens, Idaho State University
- Geography of the Post: U.S. Post Offices in the Nineteenth-Century West (website) Cameron Blevins and Jason Heppler
- Geoportail (Roads and Cities of 18th Century France) (website) EHESS – Laboratoire de démographie et d’histoire sociale – Thèmes
- Georgia’s Natural, Archaeological, and Historical Resources GIS (website) Georgia Department of Natural Resources and the University of Georgia
- Geospatial Historian (website) by Jim Clifford, Josh MacFadyen, and Daniel Macfarlane
- German Traces NYC (website) Goethe Institut
- GIS and History page (website) at the University of Saskatchewan Library
- Global Forest Watch Interactive Map (website) Global Forest Watch
- Global Historical Admissions Map (website) CarbonBrief
- Going to the Show: Mapping Moviegoing in North Carolina (website) UNC University Libraries, State Library of North Carolina, and Robert C. Allen
- Google Ancient Places: Finding Ancient Mediterranean Places in Literature (website) by Elton Barker, et.al.
- Govan: Scotland’s Melting Pot, 1891 (website) A History of Working Class Marriage, Centre for Gender History at the University of Glasgow
- Great Britain Historical GIS (website) at University of Portsmouth
- Greene Street Project: A Long History of a Short Block (website) by William Easterly, Laura Freschi, and Steven Pennings at the NYU Development Research Institute (DRI)
- The Grub Street Project (website) Directed by Allison Muri, Digital Research Centre, University of Saskatchewan
- Hestia (website): by Elton Barker, Stefan Bouzarovski, Chris Pelling, and Leif Isaksen.
- HGIS Germany (website) in Mainz, Germany
- Hidden Patterns of the Civil War (website) Digital Scholarship Lab, University of Richmond
- Historical Atlas of Canada Online Learning Project (website) University of Toronto
- Historical Geography: Intellectual Disabilities in Australia (website) History Department, Sydney University
- Historical GIS at UNC-Chapill Hill (website) University of North Carolina, Chapill Hill
- Historical GIS Clearinghouse and Forum (website) from the Association of American Geographers
- Historical GIS Lab (this website) (reviews) at the University of Saskatchewan
- Historical GIS of Europe (website) Department of Geography and Sociology, University of Lleida
- The Historical GIS Research Network (website) by Ian Gregory
- Historical Maps Collection of Fredericton, NB (website) University of New Brunswick and the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick
- Historical Maps of Nova Scotia (website) Nova Scotia Archives
- Historical Maps of the Habsburg Empire (website) Oesterreichishes Staatsarchiv
- Historical Maps of Toronto (website) by Nathan Ng
- The Historical Urban Ecological GIS Data Portal (website) Center for Population Economics
- The Historic Welland Canals: A Virtual Tour (website) James A. Gibson Library, Brock University
- Homestead Nebraska: Network Analysis and Mapping of Nebraska Homesteads (website) University of Nebraska, Great Plains Art Museum
- Hypercities (website) University of California Los Angeles, University of Southern California, The City University of New York and CUNY-Baruch College, Pilipino Workers’ Center, and Public Matters, Los Angeles
- imagineRio (website) Rice University Humanities Research Center.
- The Imag(in)ing London Historical GIS Project (website) Human Environments Analysis Laboratory, Western University
- Institute of Historical Research (website) University of London, School of Advanced Study
- The Interactive Nolli Map Website (website) University of Oregon
- The Invasion of America: How the United States took over an Eighth of the World (website) eHistory.org, Claudio Saunt
- Land Cover Trends Field Photo Map (website) U.S. Geological Survey
- LandMark: Global Platform of Indigenous and Community Lands (website) Land Mark Project Team
- Land of Thundering Snow (website) Revelstoke Museum and Archives.
- Layers of London (website) The British Library, London Metropolitan Archives, Historic England, The National Archives, MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology)
- Lincoln Mullen (website) by Lincoln Mullen
- Linguistic Atlas Project (website) University of Georgia
- Linguistic Geographies: The Gough Map of Great Britain (website) King’s College, London
- The Living New Deal (website) University of California, Berkeley
- Locating London’s Past (website)Centre for Metropolitan History
- Lviv Interactive (website) Center for Urban History of East Central Europe
- Manchester’s LGBT History Mapped (website) by Manchester Evening News
- The Map of Early Modern London (website) University of Victoria
- Map of Our Work (website) Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
- Mapping Audubon (website) by Erika L. Jenns
- Mapping a Writer’s World: A Geographic Chronology of Willa Cather’s Life (website) Willa Cather Archive
- Mapping Black Central Europe (website) University of Michigan
- Mapping Decline: St. Louis and the American City (website) by Colin Gordon
- The Mapping Dubliners Project (website) by Jasmine Mulliken
- Mapping Du Bois (website) Project Director, Amy Hillier
- Mapping Gothic France (website) Media Center for Art History, Columbia University
- Mapping Historic Philadelphia: Recreating Life In America’s First City (website) by Paul Sivitz and Billy G. Smith
- Mapping History (website) Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster and University of Oregon
- Mapping Indigenous LA (website) UCLA American Indian Studies Center
- Mapping IWW Campaigns, Strikes, Arrests, Persecution (website) IWW History Project, Mapping American Social Movements, University of Washington
- Mapping John Glassco’s Memoirs of Montparnasse (website) by Anouk Lang
- Mapping Medieval Chester: Place and Identity in an English Borderland City c.1200-1500 (website) Principal Investigator, Catherine Clarke, et.al.
- Mapping Occupation: Force, Freedom and the Army in Reconstruction (website) University of Georgia.
- Mapping Our Anzacs (website) (); National Archives of Australia
- Mapping Population Change in Ireland 1841-1851: Quantitative Analysis Using Historical GIS (website) (); by Stewart Fotheringham, Mary Kelly, and Martin Charlton
- Mapping Shakespeare’s London (website) (); King’s College London
- Mapping St. Petersburg: Experiments in Literary Cartography (website) (q); by Sarah J. Young and John Levin
- Mapping Texts (website) (); Stanford University and University of North Texas
- Mapping the Gulag: Russia’s Prison System from the 1930s to the Present (website) (); Economic and Social Research Council
- Mapping the Jewish Communities of the Byzantine Empire (website) (); Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge
- Mapping the Lakes: A Literary GIS (website) (); Department of English and Creative Writing, Bowland College, Lancaster University
- Mapping the Medieval Urban Landscape: Edward I’s New Towns of England and Wales (website) (); by Steven Trick
- Mapping the Moment: Performance Culture in Nottingham 1857-1867 (website) (); The University of Nottingham
- Mapping the Republic of Letters (website) (); Stanford University
- MCC Slave Voyage The Unity 1761-1763 (website) (): Zeeland Archives
- Medieval Parks, Gardens and Designed Landscapes (website) () by Spencer Gavin Smith
- Montréal, l’avenir du passé (website) () by Robert C.H. Sweeny.
- Myths on Maps (website) (); University of Victoria
- Master’s Program in Historical GIS (website) () at Idaho State University
- Names in Brick & Stone: Histories from the University’s Built Landscape website : University of North Carolina.
- National Historical GISwebsite at University of Minnesota
- National Library of Scotland: Explore Georeferenced Maps – 3D viewer website ; National Library of Scotland
- National Park Mapswebsite by Matt Holly
- Native America Project: Indian Fur Trade and Trading Postswebsite by Geoff Mangum
- The Negro Travelers’ Green Book website ; University of South Carolina
- Old Maps Online website ; JISC, University of Portsmouth, and Klokan Technologies
- OldNYCwebsite by Dan Vanderkam, et.al.
- Old World Drought Atlas website : International Research Institute for Climate and Society
- One Hundred Years of Seismic Activitywebsite : U.S. Geological Survey
- Online Mapping System website ; Ohio Historic Preservation Office
- On the Line: How Schooling, Housing, and Civil Rights Shaped Hartford and Its Suburbs website ; by Jack Dougherty
- OpenHistoricalMapwebsite
- Orbis: The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World website ; Stanford University
- Ordnance Survey Maps – Six-inch England and Wales, 1842-1952 website ; National Library of Scotland
- Overland Trade Project website ; Michaell Hicks, et. al.
- Pelagios website ; Project Directors: Leif Isaksen, Elton Barker, and Rainer Simon
- Philadelphia and Its People in Maps: The 1790s website by By Paul Sivitz and Billy G. Smith
- PhilaPlace: Sharing Stories from the City of Neighborhoods website ; Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Department of Records, and PennDesign
- Pittsburgh Historic Maps website : ESRI
- Placing Literature: Where Your Book Meets Map website ; Arts Council of Greater New Haven
- Pleiades website ; Ancient World Mapping Center, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World
- POBEDITELI: Soldiers of the Great War website by Jan Cherniak and Jane Zavalishina et.al.
- The Pollution Landscape, 1970—2000 website by Jason Heppler.
- Railroads and the Making of Modern America website by William G. Thomas III, Richard Healey, and Ian Cottingham, University of Nebraska Lincoln
- REED: Records of Early English Dramas website ; Co-Directors, Sally-Beth MacLean and Alan Somerset
- Regional Environmental History Atlas of South Central Ontario website ; Trent University
- Regnum Francorum Online website ; by Johan Ahlfeldt
- The Reputed Plague Pits of London website : Historic UK
- reVilna: Vilnius Ghetto Project website : reVilna and YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
- Routes of Sefarad: Network of Jewish Quarters in Spain website ; Museum of Jewish History
- Santas Around the World website ; Matt Artz
- Slave Revolt in Jamaica, 1760-1761: A Cartographic Narrative website ; by Charles Warren
- Smith Creek Watershed: Wetland Loss Viewer website : University of Saskatchewa
- Social Explorer website by Andrew Beveridge
- The Soil Maps of Latin America & Caribbean Islands website European Commission-DG Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability
- SOLO Map Search website : University of Oxford
- Spatial History Project website at Stanford University
- The Spatial History Project: Holocaust Geographies website ; Anne Knowles, Albert Giordano, et al.
- Spatial Humanities: A Project of the Institute for Enabling Geospatial Scholarship website ; Scholar’s Lab, University of Virginia Library
- Swag Diplomacy: Black Travel Memoirs website by Dr. Stephanie Y. Evans
- Ta’n Weji-sqalia’tiek: Mi’kmaw Place Names website : Mi’kmaq-Nova Scotia-Canada Tripartite Forum, Culture and Heritage Committee
- Toronto Historic Maps website ; ESRI
- The Toronto Park Lot Project website; by Wendy Smith
- Tracks in Time: The Leeds Tithe Map Project website ; West Yorkshire Archive Service
- Trading Consequences website ; York University, University of Edinburgh, University of St. Andrews
- Trans Atlantic Slave Trade Visualization website by Matthew Burdumy and Adam Rothman
- The UK Building Age Map website : CRDC Maps
- Urban Layers website ; Morphocode
- Urban Transition Historical GIS Project website ; Directed by John Logan, Brown University
- U.S. Homophile Internationalism: Archive and Exhibit website : Marc Stein, et.al.
- US News Map website by Georgia Research Tech Institute, eHistory at the University of Georgia
- The Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the American Civil War website ; by Edward L. Ayers
- viHistory website ; Humanities Media and Computing Centre at the University of Victoria
- A Vision of Britain Through Time website ; University of Portsmouth
- Visualizing Early Washington DC website ; Imaging Research Center
- Visualizing Emancipation website ; Digital Scholarship Lab, University of Richmond
- Visualizing Urban Geographies website ; National Library of Scotland
- Visualizing Venice website ; Founder, Caroline Bruzelius
- Voting America: United States Politics, 1840-2008. website ; Digital Scholarship Lab, University of Richmond
- Walking Moraley’s Streets: Philadelphia website by Billy G. Smith
- Walking Ulysses: Joyce’s Dublin Today website ; Boston College
- Waterlines: Discover and Explore Seattle’s Past Landscapes website ; The Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture
- Welikia Historic Ecology of New York City website : Wildlife Conservation Society
- West Ham Industry website reviews page; by Jim Clifford
- W. H. Pugsley Collection Of Early Canadian Maps 1556 to 1857 website ; Canadian GIS and Geomatics
- You Are Here: 80 Years of Canadian Geographic Maps (website): Canadian Geographic